Club Activities

Club Activities:

  • Club Championship - the rules and counting events for the 2024 club championship are (here).
  • Social Runs (Mon at 18:00) - Most weeks (see below)
  • Couch to 5k (Tue & Thur at 18:00) - We usually do a free 9 week Couch to 5k course starting around April each year. Contact the club if interested.
  • Training Runs and Club Races (Wed at 12:30 & 18:00) - Our training events are described below with the latest calendar of events on our home page.
  • Most club events start from East Christchurch Sports and Social Club (ECSSC), but newcomers should contact the club for confirmation.
  • Our Event Results - Results of our external organised events (Hoburne 5, Christmas 10k and the discontinued Mad March Hare 20) can be found on Power of Ten
  • Upcoming local road races are on runbritain.
  • parkrun - we can also be found at Bournemouth parkrun and other local parkruns
  • Please note that we are a social running club and do not provide coaching

Social Runs (Mon at 18:00 most weeks)

On most Monday evenings we have a social run of approx. 5k though the location is not always from ECSSC (BH23 4JD), so newcomers should email us at to confirm the details.

Training Runs (Weds at 12:30 and 18:00)

Our regular Wednesday runs (Routes and Rules) start at 12:30 and are usually repeated at 6pm for members unable to make the lunchtime session. Our training runs are fun with a handicap system so that the slowest runners can compete with the fastest runners. The runs have a variety of themes and include beach run, meet and part, pace judgement, cross country and hills (as well as our monthly races). Points are awarded each week and the top three at the end of each quarter receive a modest trophy to hold onto for 3 months. Again, handicapping is used to ensure we all have an equal chance of winning.


Most of events are between 2.5 and 3.5 miles, but in each quarter there is a one mile race and twice a year we have a 2x1 mile relay which takes place on the last Wednesdays in April and October.

A Schedule of our upcoming events are on the Home page and results are contained in the members area.


Club Races (Weds 12:30 and 18:00 or Fri from 12:30 for the longer runs)

  • The Mile Race (on the last Wednesday of March, June, Sept and prior to Christmas at 12:30 and 6pm) and Mile Relay (in April and October) use the same loop route with the mile relay starting here (alternate view), the handover at the mile start and the finish of both events here.
  • The Monthly race (summer route) and winter route of 3.35 miles (on the first Wednesday of each month at 12:30 and 6pm), has taken place (almost) every month since September 1982. The current course is based on the route which was inaugurated in December 1984 to replace a slightly shorter one (although over the years the building of new roads and houses has necessitated slight amendments to the course). For variety, on the second race of each quarter the course is run in the reverse direction. The third race of each quarter (March, June, October and December) features a handicapped start such that everyone has a chance to be the first across the line. The winter variant is used from October through to March otherwise evening runners would have to run through the woods in the dark.
  • The 10k Race available as a zoomable map (on a Friday lunchtime mid Feb, May, Aug and Nov), is a stagger race according to a handicap system such that the slowest runner starts at 12:30 aiming for all to reach the finish together in a blanket finish.
  • The 10 Mile / Half Marathon run available as a zoomable map (on a Friday lunchtime in mid March and Sept), with runners very roughly staggered so that they cross around 7 miles.